Renaissance Art in Venice. From Tradition to Individualism Nichols Tom

Nichols Tom : Renaissance Art in Venice. From Tradition to Individualism
Писатель - Nichols Tom
Верстка - Ордухамян Геннадий
Ответственный редактор - Адам Тельных
Кол-во страниц - 224
Серия - Renaissance Art
Формат: epub, txt, fb2, pdf
Год написания - 2016

О книге: "Renaissance Art in Venice. From Tradition to Individualism"

Art and architecture have always been central to Venice but in the Renaissance period, between c.1440 and 1600, they reached a kind of apotheosis when many of the city's new buildings, sculpture and paintings took on distinctive and original qualities. The spread of Renaissance values provided leading artists such as Gentile and Giovanni Bellini, Giorgione, Palladio, Titian and Tintoretto with a licence for artistic invention. By adopting a chronological approach, with each chapter covering a successive twenty-five year period, and focusing attention on the artists, Tom Nichols presents a vivid, richly illustrated and easily navigable study of Venetian Renaissance art. Скачать книгу Renaissance Art in Venice. From Tradition to Individualism автора Nichols Tom в форматах fb2, epub, pdf, txt или читать онлайн! Подробная информация о книге, отзывы, рейтинг читателей.

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