Taplin Sam Santa sticker and colouring book

Taplin Sam Santa sticker and colouring book
Авторы - Taplin Sam
Год написания - 2014
Оформитель: Гриданов Пахом Ермолаевич
Научный редактор - Бербенец Наркис
Количество страниц: 447
Формат: pdf, epub, txt, fb2

Подробная информация: "Santa sticker and colouring book"

Lots of Christmassy scenes to colour in and complete with stickers as Santa gets ready for his busiest time of the year!

Help Santa pack his sleigh, complete his band of reindeer and decorate a Christmas tree.

With over 250 stickers of elves, reindeer, stockings, presents and delicious Christmas food.

The perfect gift to keep children busy during the run-up to the festive season. Скачать книгу Santa sticker and colouring book автора Taplin Sam в форматах fb2, epub, pdf, txt или читать онлайн! Подробная информация о книге, отзывы, рейтинг читателей.

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